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Family Activity Funday 2017
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Family Activity Funday 2017: Booking Closes Soon!

Buckmore Park Scout Site - Saturday 16th September 2017.

This FREE Funday will give your Beaver, Cub or Scout the opportunity to try their hand at a fantastic choice of activities. What's more, so will their siblings, and so will you! Yes, subject to numbers attending, the activities should be open not only to brothers and sisters, but also parents and carers too.


The Group are using the proceeds from this year's Hempstead Fayre to fund this one-off event - but you need to book your place by 31st July 2017 to be eligible - NO entries will be accepted beyond this date - you must pre-book.

You will also need to have paid your £5 per child deposit to one of the Leaders by that date - no deposit, no attendance. Your deposit will be refunded to you in full when you turn up on the day. This is because we have to pre-book the whole day's package with Buckmore Park, so we need to know just how many are actually going to come. The Group are not willing to spend £1,000 on a day for a lot of vague promises of attendance - we hope you understand.


If you've already booked, and paid, we'll look forward to seeing you.

If you haven't, you're potentially missing out on a brilliant, entirely free day out for you and your young people. Get those bookings and deposits rolling in  - you've only got 8 days to the deadline.

Page last updated on Jul 23, 2017
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