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Remembrance Sunday Service 2009

Remembrance Sunday Service 2009

This will take place at All Saint's Church, Hempstead Road on Sunday 8th November.

The Group have been invited to attend by Rev. Chris Ferris.

The Colour party should arrive at the church at 9.00am please, all other members should arrive at 9.15am,

in time for the Service to start at 9.30am. It normally lasts for approximately 45 minutes.


We would like to see a good turn out from all Sections, please.

This is one of only two occasions during the year when we ask for your attendance at a church service -

please make the effort to support your Group and the local community.

You get plenty of opportunities to play in football matches thoughout the year -

you only get one chance to pay your respects to those who have given their lives for their country.


Thank you.  

Page last updated on Dec 23, 2009
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